Alert Program Handouts

Posted : admin On 25.10.2019

Client Services: A. Project checklist/timeline to alert client services, meeting services, and production services of next steps B. Upload speaker recruitment status C. Automatically bring duplicate registration information to CS’ attention D. Upload venue options, negotiations status E. E-/Fax-Blast capabilities F.

Когда-нибудь эта команда будет исключена, и разработчикам придется избавиться от нее в тех фрагментах программного кода, где она еще используется. Тем, кто всегда тщательно следил за резервированием баз данных SQL Server и стремился изучать нововведения SQL Server 2005, следует продолжать внимательно следить за резервными копиями: в SQL Server 2005 нет привычной команды DBCC REPAIR. Gjподробная инструкция восстановление базы microsoft sql 2000. «Заменой» для этой команды служит DROP DATABASE. Команда DUMP сохраняется для обратной совместимости, но Microsoft не рекомендует ее использовать в новых разрабатываемых системах. Таким образом, резервная копия представляет собой «снимок» базы данных на момент завершения операции резервирования.

Upload faculty packets G. Download faculty bios H. Automatically create FedEx shipping labels and schedule FedEx pick-up I. Automatically create introduction script J. Upload current content version K. Upload faculty speaking assignments L. Upload content with speaking notes and ARS questions M.

Upload faculty contact list N. Upload model spreadsheet O. Upload model instructions P. Upload program handouts Q.

Jun 5, 2018 - Академический руководитель образовательной программы бакалавриата «Социология». This will allow me to alert you of deficiencies in. You from obtaining handouts and assignments that you may have missed. (2002) Диагностическая программа по определению психологической го-товности детей 6-7 лет к школьному обучению [Program of.

Download faculty confirmation letters R. Automatically send weekly Status Report e-blast to the Product Manager and Sales Force S. Upload, email program handouts to Meeting Services Department T. Automatically send CS daily activity report Meeting Services Department: U.

Download model spreadsheet V. Automatically send W-9 upon receipt from local physician W. Automatically send Medical Supplies Checklist upon receipt from local physician X. Download, print program handouts Y.

Upload faculty confirmation letters Production Department: Z. Download current content version AA. Automatically send program book shipping confirmation Finance Department BB. Send Honorarium Check Request directly to Finance upon upload of W-9 from speaking faculty and attending nurse Commercial Supporter: Product Manager 1. Download ARS data 2. Automatically send weekly status update Sales Force 1. RMs Speaker recommendation Download registrant list Automatically send request for list of attending sales force Automatically send dinner invitation Automatically send weekly status update 2.

Recruitment status b. Program venue details, maximum capacity c. Attendee recruitment status d. Automatically send dinner invitation Accreditation Agency CC. Upload CME certificates Speaking Faculty (local & national physicians): DD.

Upload completed faculty packets EE. Upload bio FF. Download faculty speaking assignments GG. Download content with speaking notes and ARS questions HH. Calendar that allows a new speaker to request a specific ½-hour time slot for a conference call appointment Mon thru Thurs the week of the program II. Automatically send product shipping information JJ.

Automatically send confirmation letter to the speaking faculty and attending nurse to include meeting room, air/ground travel confirmation numbers, and hotel confirmation number KK. Automatically send the local physician’s office assistant shipment instructions for the sample products Fulfillment Agency (Triple i): A. Send Physician Samples Order Form directly to Triple i upon upload from local physician Travel Agency (Baker Travel): LL. Download list of confirmed program dates, venues and speaking faculty & staff MM. Upload travel itineraries for speaking faculty & staff, and StrataMed on-site staff A/V Company (DCS): NN. Download current content version OO. Upload ARS data Live Injection Models (local patient volunteers): PP.

Alert Program Handouts

Download assessment questions, upload answers QQ. Download venue details, pre-program instructions RR. Automated voice message reminder of program details Program Attendees (local physicians, physician’s assistants, and nurses): SS.

Automatically send interested parties notification of upcoming program in their area, and link directing them to the registration page TT. If a program is full, automatically send notification to waiting list upon cancellation UU. Automatically confirm current state licensure status VV. Automatically offer Beginner course to registrants with 3 years of injecting experience XX.

Upload bio YY. Track past attendance ZZ. Automatically send program reminder email AAA. Upload program evaluation BBB. Download CME certificate Квалификация:, Показать больше,.

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Alert Program Handouts

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