Tops Training Program

Posted : admin On 03.09.2019
  • Перевод контекст 'This program was developed' c английский на русский от Reverso. As a short-term supplement to your medical staff - 1,500 hours tops. The training program was developed jointly with representatives from First.
  • Компания ТопС Бизнес Интегратор (TopS BI), Выручка и прибыль компании, тыс. Тольятти) и учебный центр Training Line, было нацелено на сохранение. Менеджеры компании TopS BI стали лучшими в конкурсной программе.

Вы спортсмен или же просто фанатеете от спорта? Тогда этот раздел посвящен вашему увлечению! Тут вы запросто найдете множество видеороликов, которые так или иначе связаны со этим миром.

И не важно, Вас интересуют достижения каких-либо спортсменов, или же Вам ужасно интересно кто победил в очередном футбольном противостоянии - тут Вы найдете ответы на интересующие вас вопросы и утолите свою жажду знаний с лихвой. Во-первых, Вы сможете ознакомиться со спортивными новостями.

MIS Training Institute, мировой лидер в области подготовки специалистов. Прослушав все четыре курса Сертификационной программы, слушатели. Verysell, TOPS BI, Ernst&Young, KPMG, Вымпелком, Комбеллга, Motorola,.

Вы сможете узнать, кто занял первое место в тяжелой атлетике в этом году, или же кто из толстых азиатов победил в финальной схватке сумоистов. Тут вы сможете следить за новостями и получать самые актуальные весточки из большого спорта. Вы всегда будете в курсе всех самых важных событий мира и не пропустите ничего, если будете периодически заходить на нашу страничку и просматривать добавленные ролики. Во-вторых, вам станут известны очень интересные факты о спорте. Вместе с нами Вы узнаете, кто пробежал стометровку быстрее всех. Увидите воочию человека с самыми большими мускулами или же полюбуетесь на спортивные, девичьи тела. Даже тут Вы сможете не только узнать много нового о своем увлечении, но также и получить некое удовлетворение от видеоряда, рассказов от спортсменов.

А может Вы даже замотивируетесь и пойдете побивать свои собственные рекорды, а может даже начнете отжиматься. Но это не точно. Кроме достижений в него включают и всевозможные активные игры. Например, популярный и известный даже в Африканских странах футбол.


Эта известная игра постоянно на слуху, а количество зрителей исчисляется миллионами мужчин со всей планеты, а потому у нее есть очень много своих интересностей для своих, легенд и прочего. К тому же буквально каждую неделю в мире проходит какой-то важный и интересный матч, где сборные из разных стран пинают белый мяч по зеленому полю и соревнуются между собой. Исход таких столкновений всегда интересен среднестатистическому зрителю, а потому различные прогнозы и аналитика будущих матчей частенько записываются опытными комментаторами и заливаются в сеть. К тому же сами матчи очень быстро попадают в интернет, как собственно и результат этой дружественной или не очень встречи. Любители футбола и прочих спортивных игр будут рады тому, что мы уважаем их предпочтения и стараемся подобрать для них подходящий контент.

Впрочем, стоит отметить, что совсем недавно в России включили киберспортивные дисциплины в спортивную тему и официально признали их. Существует несколько десятков игр, в которых подростки, а порой и довольно взрослы люди играют в командах друг против друга за большой денежный приз. Конечно же, и у такого есть свои зрители, а вознаграждение действительно велико и порой достигает 20-30 миллионов долларов. По большей части все турниры основаны на всемирно известной игре ДОТА 2. А так как у такой дисциплины есть свои зрители, то, конечно же, им интересны подробности матчей их исход и все, что связано с этой игрой и игроками.

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4 лет назад Après des mois d'attente, la nouvelle vidéo de nos entrainements est enfin terminée et disponible!!! Comme dans les vidéos précédentes vous pourrez voir évoluer nos petites poussines, les filles en interrégions, les nationales mais aussi un petit condensé de notre prépa physique et le traditionnel bêtisier! Regardez, appréciez et partagez!;) Je remercie d'avance tous ceux qui suivent mes vidéos et tous nos progrès depuis plusieurs années, beaucoup d'entre vous sont juste géniaux et j'ai plaisir à lire tous vos commentaires! Et pour tous ceux qui me demandent, Aline continue bien la gym mais a intégré un sport étude, elle est toujours membre du club mais ne s'entraine plus avec nous, et je peux vous assurez qu'elle fait d'énooooormes progrès!;) Bisouuuus a tout le monde. 3 лет назад With only 3 days until the USA Gymnastics Region 8 Championship, Whitney gets a private workout with Coach Ron.

Whitney is nursing a sore knee, heel, and elbowso they concentrate mostly on upper body strength and bars workouts. Be sure to check back to see Whitney continue to prepare for and compete at the USA Gymnastics Region 8 championships. Here is Whitney’s state championship meet: Here is Whitney’s press handstand tutorial with the Queen of England: Here is Whitney giving a moonwalk tutorial on the moon: Here is Whitney giving a front walkover tutorial at the pyramids: Check out Whitney on YouTube! Whitney's YouTube Channel: Whitney's facebook: Whitney’s Instagram: 3 лет назад Whitney was awesome at the USA Gymnastics Region 8 Championship! She scored: 9.7 on Beam 9.7 on Floor 9.525 on Vault 9.625 on Bars 38.55 on All Around Whitney took 3rd place in the all around against some serious competition.

The meet featured the top 8 gymnasts from each of the following 8 states (64 gymnasts): Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Tennessee, South Carolina, and North Carolina. Whitney’s scores helped Georgia take 3rd place in the team competition behind North Carolina and Florida. Be sure to check back to see Whitney prepare for USA Gymnastics' Developmental Invite Camp to be held at the National Team Training Center (Karolyi Ranch) in May. Here is Whitney’s state championship meet: Here is Whitney’s press handstand tutorial with the Queen of England: Here is Whitney giving a moonwalk tutorial on the moon: Here is Whitney giving a front walkover tutorial at the pyramids: Check out Whitney on YouTube! Whitney's YouTube Channel: Whitney's facebook: Whitney’s Instagram:

5 месяцев назад Today was the day Whitney had surgery on her right elbow to treat her osteochondritis dissecans or OCD. She was brave! Her biggest concern was that she was going to say something stupid when she was coming out from anesthesia (unfortunately, she didn't). The doctor said the surgery went perfectly and that the joint looked good. Whitney did not complain about the pain, but the nausea from the anesthesia was the worst part. Get well soon Whitney!! From Wikipedia: Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD or OD) is a joint disorder in which cracks form in the articular cartilage and the underlying subchondral bone.

OCD usually causes pain and swelling of the affected joint which catches and locks during movement. Physical examination typically reveals an effusion, tenderness, and a crackling sound with joint movement. OCD is caused by blood deprivation in the subchondral bone. This loss of blood flow causes the subchondral bone to die in a process called avascular necrosis.

The bone is then reabsorbed by the body, leaving the articular cartilage it supported prone to damage. The result is fragmentation (dissection) of both cartilage and bone, and the free movement of these bone and cartilage fragments within the joint space, causing pain and further damage. OCD can be difficult to diagnose because these symptoms are found with other diseases. However, the disease can be confirmed by X-rays, computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. Non-surgical treatment is rarely an option as the ability for articular cartilage to heal is limited.

As a result, even moderate cases require some form of surgery. When possible, non-operative forms of management such as protected reduced or non-weight bearing and immobilization are used. Surgical treatment includes arthroscopic drilling of intact lesions, securing of cartilage flap lesions with pins or screws, drilling and replacement of cartilage plugs, stem cell transplantation, and joint replacement. After surgery rehabilitation is usually a two-stage process of immobilization and physical therapy. Most rehabilitation programs combine efforts to protect the joint with muscle strengthening and range of motion. During the immobilization period, isometric exercises, such as straight leg raises, are commonly used to restore muscle loss without disturbing the cartilage of the affected joint.

Once the immobilization period has ended, physical therapy involves continuous passive motion (CPM) and/or low impact activities, such as walking or swimming. OCD occurs in 15 to 30 people per 100,000 in the general population each year. Although rare, it is an important cause of joint pain in physically active adolescents.6 Because their bones are still growing, adolescents are more likely than adults to recover from OCD; recovery in adolescents can be attributed to the bone's ability to repair damaged or dead bone tissue and cartilage in a process called bone remodeling. While OCD may affect any joint, the knee tends to be the most commonly affected, and constitutes 75% of all cases. Franz König coined the term osteochondritis dissecans in 1887, describing it as an inflammation of the bone–cartilage interface.

Many other conditions were once confused with OCD when attempting to describe how the disease affected the joint, including osteochondral fracture, osteonecrosis, accessory ossification center, osteochondrosis, and hereditary epiphyseal dysplasia. Some authors have used the terms osteochondrosis dissecans and osteochondral fragments as synonyms for OCD. My Official Links: Whitney’s Instagram Gravity Gal and Quantum Qid T-Shirts Whitney's YouTube Channel Whitney's facebook Whitney’s @whitneybflippin Sterling’s YouTube Channel Braxton’s YouTube Channel Blakely’s YouTube Channel Houston’s YouTube Channel 💥Hey There!💥: You can help us translate this video, and get credit below! Click here: 2 лет назад Whitney, Blakely, and Coach Ron showed up to the Kellogg’s Tour of Gymnastics Champions in style! The show was awesome featuring Olympic gold medalists Simone Biles, Aly Raisman, Gabby Douglas, Nastia Liukin, Shawn Johnson, and a ton of other Olympians!

The girls always have a great time when Coach Ron is around! Check out the kids’ new series – The Adventures of Gravity Gal and Quantum Qid! Subscribe so you don’t miss the next episode! My Official Links: Whitney’s Instagram Gravity Gal and Quantum Qid T-Shirts Whitney's YouTube Channel Whitney's facebook Whitney’s @whitneybflippin Sterling’s YouTube Channel Braxton’s YouTube Channel Blakely’s YouTube Channel 3 лет назад It’s time for the Atlanta Crown Invitational Gymnastics Meet! Whitney’s ankle has at long last healed and she is finally able to compete all 4 events.

She only started training on the vault and floor last week and as a result she was not ready to perform the yurchenko vault. This cost her a whole point because the vault she performed only had a 9.0 start value instead of 10.0. Whitney did awesome! She won first place on bars, beam, floor, and all around! Here are her scores: 9.6 = Uneven Bars 9.5 = Beam 9.6 = Floor 8.45 = Vault From Wikipedia: Gymnastics is a sport involving the performance of exercises requiring strength, flexibility, balance and control.

Internationally, all events are governed by the Fédération Internationale de Gymnastique (FIG). Each country has its own national governing body (BIW) affiliated to FIG. Competitive artistic gymnastics is the best known of the gymnastic events. It typically involves the women's events of vault, uneven bars, balance beam, and floor exercise. Men's events are floor exercise, pommel horse, still rings, vault, parallel bars, and the high bar. Gymnastics evolved from exercises used by the ancient Greeks that included skills for mounting and dismounting a horse, and from circus performance skills. Other FIG disciplines include: rhythmic gymnastics, trampolining and tumbling, and aerobic gymnastics.

Disciplines not currently recognized by FIG include aesthetic group gymnastics, men's rhythmic gymnastics and TeamGym. Participants can include children as young as 20 months old doing kindergym and children's gymnastics, recreational gymnasts of ages 5 and up, competitive gymnasts at varying levels of skill, and world class athletes. Check out the kids new series – The Adventures of Gravity Gal and Quantum Qid! Subscribe so you don’t miss the next episode! My Official Links: Whitney’s Instagram: Gravity Gal and Quantum Qid T-Shirts: Whitney's YouTube Channel: Whitney's facebook: 2 лет назад Whitney is working hard in the gym every day getting ready for the State and Regional Gymnastics Meets.

In this video Whitney is training on the uneven bars and working on her stalder. A stalder is when you “Swing around the bar with piked body and straddled legs. Should be performed from handstand to handstand. Amy Chow and Svetlana Khorkina are famous for these.” Whitney’s stalder training is going great, in this video you can see Whitney do her first unspotted stalder on the real bars (not the strap bar). Whitney always has a great time at the gym with her teammates. Check out the kids new series – The Adventures of Gravity Gal and Quantum Qid! Subscribe so you don’t miss the next episode!

My Official Links: Whitney’s Instagram: Whitney’s @whitneybflippin Gravity Gal and Quantum Qid T-Shirts: Whitney's YouTube Channel: Whitney's facebook: Whitney’s @whitneybflippin From Wikipedia: Josef Stalder (born 6 February 1919 - 2 March 1991) was a Swiss gymnast and Olympic Champion. He competed at the 1948 Summer Olympics in London where he received a gold medal in horizontal bar, a silver medal in team combined exercises, and a bronze medal in parallel bars.1 He received four medals at the 1952 Summer Olympics in London. He also was the originator and name giver of the stalder circles, nowadays a very common skills on both the high and the uneven bars.

10 месяцев назад Whitney was invited to Camp Centroamericano 2017 in Guatemala City along with her two of her former coaches, Coach Jacobo and Coach Gerson. This video is some of the action from Whitney’s first day at the gymnastics camp. She had a great time and met lots of new friends! My Official Links: Whitney’s Instagram Gravity Gal and Quantum Qid T-Shirts Whitney's YouTube Channel Whitney's facebook Whitney’s @whitneybflippin Sterling’s YouTube Channel Braxton’s YouTube Channel Blakely’s YouTube Channel Houston’s YouTube Channel 💥Hey There!💥: You can help us translate this video, and get credit below! Click here: 10 месяцев назад Whitney is in the gym!

But this time Whitney is volunteering with the Special Olympics to help make demonstration videos of the routines that will be used by the athletes at the Special Olympics World Games held in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates in 2019. If you would like to get involved with the Special Olympics like Whitney, there are lots of ways you can helpclick here to see how: Special Olympics Mission: The mission of Special Olympics is to provide year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities.

This gives them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community. Special Olympics – Who We Are: Special Olympics is a global movement of people creating a new world of inclusion and community, where every single person is accepted and welcomed, regardless of ability or disability. We are helping to make the world a better, healthier and more joyful place - one athlete, one volunteer, one family member at a time. From Wikipedia: Special Olympics Special Olympics is the world's largest sports organization for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, providing year-round training and competitions to 5.7 million athletes and Unified Sports partners in 172 countries. Special Olympics competitions are held every day, all around the world—including local, national and regional competitions, adding up to more than 100,000 events a year.

Like the International Paralympic Committee, the Special Olympics organization is recognized by the International Olympic Committee; however, unlike the Paralympic Games, Special Olympics World Games are not held in the same year or in conjunction with the Olympic Games. My Official Links: Whitney’s Instagram Gravity Gal and Quantum Qid T-Shirts Whitney's YouTube Channel Whitney's facebook Whitney’s @whitneybflippin Sterling’s YouTube Channel Braxton’s YouTube Channel Blakely’s YouTube Channel Houston’s YouTube Channel 💥Hey There!💥: You can help us translate this video, and get credit below! Click here: 2 лет назад Whitney is in the gym! Soon the gymnastics competition season will start and Whitney is doing everything she can to be ready for it.

Here Whitney works on vault, beam, bars, and floor. Whitney was nominated for the 2016 Gymnast of the Year Fan's Choice Awards for Top Gymnastics YouTube Channel! Please vote for Whitney here: Check out the kids’ new series – The Adventures of Gravity Gal and Quantum Qid! My Official Links: Whitney’s Instagram Gravity Gal and Quantum Qid T-Shirts Whitney's YouTube Channel Whitney's facebook Whitney’s @whitneybflippin Sterling’s YouTube Channel Braxton’s YouTube Channel Blakely’s YouTube Channel Houston’s YouTube Channel 2 лет назад Whitney had a tough workout at the gym, made tougher by a toe injury.

While practicing her Pak Salto, Whitney kicked the high bar with her toe. It was very painful and she lost the toenail! But gymnasts are tough and Whitney did not let the injury slow her down.

Nothing a band-aid won’t fix. Gymnastics Injury Prevention: The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Gymnastics is a rigorous sport, requiring long hours of practice and complex physical movements. In addition to the weight-bearing stresses placed on the upper body during many gymnastic moves, the countless twists, flips, and landings put gymnasts at risk for injury. Some of the more common upper body injuries include tears of the tendons and other tissues that support the shoulder, elbow dislocations, and wrist sprains.

Fractures, sprains, and strains frequently occur in the lower body, most often affecting the knees and ankles. The bends and twists required in many gymnastics movements can lead to lower back injuries. Several strategies can help to prevent gymnastics injuries, from vigilant spotting to properly maintained equipment. Prevent Overuse Injuries: Because many young athletes are focusing on just one sport and are training year-round, doctors are seeing an increase in overuse injuries. The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons has partnered with STOP Sports Injuries to help educate parents, coaches, and athletes about how to prevent overuse injuries. Specific tips to prevent overuse injuries include: Limit the number of teams in which your child is playing in one season. Kids who play on more than one team are especially at risk for overuse injuries.

Do not allow your child to play one sport year round — taking regular breaks and playing other sports is essential to skill development and injury prevention. Check out the kids new series – The Adventures of Gravity Gal and Quantum Qid! Subscribe so you don’t miss the next episode! My Official Links: Whitney’s Instagram Gravity Gal and Quantum Qid T-Shirts Whitney's YouTube Channel Whitney's facebook Whitney’s @whitneybflippin Sterling’s YouTube Channel 2 лет назад Whitney and her new teammates are at the 2016 Mardi Gras Invitational Gymnastics Meet in Acworth, Georgia. Whitney was excited to compete and hoped to do well with her new team.

She was not disappointed! Whitney did great! She started on the floor exercise and did a pretty solid routine, but was rewarded with her worst score of the season. The judges were tough! Next came the dreaded vault. Whitney is still not cleared to compete the Yurchenko vault, and had to perform the level 7 front handspring vault.

This vault has a start value of 9.0so even if she executed the best front handspring vault of all time, she could only receive a score of 9.0. As a result, Whitney was pretty excited when she stuck her second vault and scored an 8.7. Then it was off to the uneven bars. Whitney has been doing well on bars lately, but was a little concerned about a couple of recent large rips on the palms of her hands. She actually managed to get a new rip during warm-ups for the bars. The rips apparently did not bother her, as she scored a 9.575 to win first place on the event. The final event was the balance beam.

Whitney was great on the beam! Again, she nailed all the hard stuff, but managed to wobble on one of her simple steps. She scored a 9.45 on beam, taking second place on the event. Whitney scored an all around score of 37.0 which was good enough to win third place. Whitney’s team took second place in the team competition. Whitney had a blast and enjoyed competing with her new teammates. Check out the kids new series – The Adventures of Gravity Gal and Quantum Qid!

Subscribe so you don’t miss the next episode! My Official Links: Whitney’s Instagram: Gravity Gal and Quantum Qid T-Shirts: Whitney's YouTube Channel: Whitney's facebook: Whitney’s @whitneybflippin. 3 лет назад Whitney’s optional team has a workout on the track before they have their gymnastics workout.

The girls wake up early to get a jump on their day, and to try to beat the heat of a hot Georgia summer day! They thought they were getting off easy because they didn’t have to do the stadium stairs this time, but they ended up having a long 3 mile run and 1 mile worth of sprints! After that, it’s straight to the gym for a long day of gymnastics practice.

These girls keep moving! Be sure to subscribe for more videos! My Official Links: Whitney's YouTube Channel: Whitney's facebook: Whitney’s Instagram: 3 лет назад Whitney does a series of back walkovers and handstand pikes. Concentration is on form.

It was exciting to receive the Spring 2015 issue of USA Gymnastics magazine. They had a feature on the TOPs program which included a picture of Whitney's TOPs B Team. Whitney heads back to the National Team Training Center this weekend. Be sure to check back to see Whitney prepare for USA Gymnastics' Developmental Invite Camp to be held at the National Team Training Center (Karolyi Ranch) in late May. Be sure to subscribe for more videos! My Official Links: Whitney's YouTube Channel: Whitney's facebook: Whitney’s Instagram: 2 лет назад March 5, 2016 - Prudential Center - Newark, N.J.

Hit that LIKE button to show your support for USA Gymnastics! SUBSCRIBE to the USA Gymnastics YouTube Channel: You can check out all event PLAYLISTS here: Follow USA Gymnastics on Social Media: - Facebook: - Twitter: - Instagram: Visit our website: USA Gymnastics News: USA Gymnasts and Teams: Full List of USA Gymnastics Events: Check Out the USA Gymnastics Photo Album: Learn about USA Gymnastics University: